November 5th 2006

Guess what?

I've finally got a good reason to update this site! You'll notice that the broken pics are all finally back in place, and there is a facelift soon to follow. I'll even be going into all of my old links and re-vamping some of them. As for the reason? I have the opportunity to get my foot in the door as a temporary web designer, so it's high time for an update after another year of inactivity and missing pictures.

More to come soon.


September 23rd 2005

I've been lazy...

August 20th 2003


Can you beleive it? There is an update! It's only a new piece of art, but check it out anyway!

There are many reasons why I havn't touched this page in almost over a year, be it computer problems. A pain in the ass CD burning software that changes all your file names to complete CAPS which i still have to fix every single file for this site. DSL that won't let me connect with Dreamweaver, forcing me to use my modem, if time allows (like now). All that, and life, and more. But anyways, now that I have finally updated once more, mabey just mabey, you'll see more updates.

October 21st 2002

A couple things...

I received an entry in my guestbook, and someone is looking for Roan, I've e-mailed her, and I hope I can reunite the 2, so Roan, if you come across my site and read this, go into the guestbook, and read her entry!

Next, I finally have my B/W Furre Art page up, with one pic I just drew tonight :P, so check it out. I'll try to put more in later, but we'll see.

Other than me being totally lazy and not doing anything with this site, through lack of updates, I am working on one major project, that I am actually sticking to O.o It's an actual update to the Doctor Who section! Yes, the Doctor who section, which I havn't touched like, since 1997. I am working on an episode list, though it's not just any old list. This one will list which episodes are missing from the series, not to mention which episodes I have ^,^, including the books, and Big finish audio drama series. Reason being, I never have seen a complete doctor who episode list, pointing out which ones have been missing, though I found a very reliable source, and I will post up my thanks on the page when it is put up. I am about halfway done with the list so look for it soon!

Also, pretty soon, my Furc site is going to undergo yet another change, so soon, I will have it down so I can work on it, when I get the chance to work on it, otherwise, I might not work on it :P

Till then, sign my guestbook, and tell me to update my site more frequently ^,^...

September 9th 2002

Ok, these are the reasons this site hasn't been updated since I graduated.

1 - Lack of internet during the return home.
2 - Major computer crash after attemtping something really stupid & gaining access to the net.
3 - After reviving my maching, Tripod decides to become cheap.

Yes, no more are the glourious days of 50MB of space here, but now it's mearley 20MB, and for a couple months my account was at 24MB so I couldn't update. Recently as I looked around for some Tripod info, I found a secret little message, hiden from the human eye, saying that at a certain date, everyone who excedes 20MB will have their shit erased untill it meets the 20MB limit. Now, Tripod's old 50MB deal was a huge reason why I dumped Geocities (in addition to the god awfull, annoying side pop up bars that drove me insane and made my decision finale). So I have been forced to take down some old material, and I am going to have to figure something out and crap. Anyways, I've been meaning to update for a really long time, and to start of things, next update, I plan to have a new banner among other things. Also the WWF AFM link is fixed, and has a new site (which I badly need to get up to date, another reason I have been putting off this site).

So come back soon, and I hope I don't dissappear for another 5 months, there will be more to look at real soon, promise.

And one more thing before I go. Nate has updated and has a new look, check it out. Oh, and I got rid of the main page's music, I figure it annoyed a lot of veiwers. Oh, and look foward to some more Super Smash Brother pics, of Yoshi kicking ass, and drinking beer.


March 16th 2002

Hi all, I'm still alive. Quick update to let you all know what I'm up to.

I graduate AIPH in 7 days, and I am in sort of a mad rush to finish my portfolio, though today was my breather after a long episode from last Tuesday at 3pm till thursday at 5pm to get my portfolio together, leading up to something horribly wrong in my final animation making me stay this weekend, missing the chance to see Wrestlemania 18 with my friends at home. So I got till monday to finsh up, THEN I have a few more days to set up my display for graduation. And since I am graduating (if I should say) and that future businesess ppl an whatnot will be visiting my site, I guess it doesn't make sense to bash Resnet every chance I get, one big reason being that I am leaving and going home to reimbrace the old 58k modem that worked oh so much faster at times ^,^ But anyone willing to pick up the torch on Resnet bashing may feel free to do so (though everyone does it anyway :P)

Anyways, I'm workin on a new storyline as far as my Snake blood section goes, though it really isnt part of the cannon, I am going to try and start a webcomic on this site for once, as well as open up the SB section. But we'll see after I'm done graduating. Also, I'm at work on a certain pic which I plan to post here really soon. But untill then, I'll TTYALz...

Oh, and a lil something before I go...

January 17th 2002

(I meant to put in the following but, you know, Resnet, so none of this got done -.-)

Hmm, well it's been awhile. In case anyone wants to know what I'm up to, I'll give a quick run down. I'm in my 14th and final (mabey) semster at AIPH, so I've been busy with school, work, and my portfolio. Though busy, life looks empty, but I try my best to try and ignore those empty feelings. Like right now, I am adding a new section devoted to the RPG's I've made using RPG 95 & 2000, it'll include a quick synopsis, pics, and info, and if eventually anyone want's to try these games out, I'll will throw downloads to the games providing I have the space. That's about it, and if you miss my daily Resnet rant, all I have to say is fuck them.

I may return tommorow, I may return next year, we'll see...

November 8th 2001

Tales from 1510 finally has a button on the side. And I have modified the layout a bit for the October Story bit. Out of the 16 pages of the story to date (most likely more will be done in the future), I have started on page 8, though the story so far only shows 7 pages. I'd add more, but I got this curse called class & work tommorow. This was what I was planning to do 2 days ago though my headache prohibited me from doing that and getting caught up in my new Simpsons Season 1 DVD set. And since I have watched Shrek for the sixth time tonight, it's probobly set me back from getting all 16 pages done. That's all for the update, I will try to post more art up soon after I have finished posting the story. I still owe 3 people pics ~.o

As we speak I am trying to upload the new files and shit. God Resnet pisses me off, and if you asked every single person in this apartment if they liked Resnet, I bet you would get the same awnser, unless someone works for them, it's the bosses bastard child, or 1511, not to mention BEAN BAG!!! (inside joke) When I find the building that Resnet works at, everyone is invited to come with me and throw stones at thier windows, or at the little cardboard box they live in. That or shut their power on and off and on and off and on and off and on and off. Every one sing with me now!


No wait, they would probobly put anthrax in them. Well just fuck them all together. That's what happans when you give a Game Boy to a homeless person. They get ideas, and then AIPH makes a deal with them, pissing off all the students living in this fire hazard of a dorm.

Anyways I am out, untill next time...

And of course, all my love is sent out to CA to that special someone ^,~

November 6th 2001

You hear that?

Yup, it's the latest 2 versions of Stone Cold's theme that I sorta mixed together. And I am givin the mixed version to Unleaded for his second theme. I am in the planning of something new for the Furcadia portion of this site which should be up real soon. I am also adding to the October Story and I should have a button up for the 1510 Tales soon. That and more artwork is on the way!

Hopefully I can upload everything before the boss at Resnet brings his 2 year old child in to play with the main power switch again for hours upon hours, leaving my internet to shut on and off and on and off. If you have me on your AIM list you no doubt heard my door open and close like a seizure.

I am also thinking of a new poll, I've gotten a bunch of ideas for it. But we'll see what I pick. Untill then, ciao.

November 3rd 2001


The memories...

I just got through looking a bunch of my old logfiles ranging from 4#23 - 4#58 (met Cati on 4#57 ^,~). And boy, is some of that shit depressing. Its a mix of drama and stuff. But I was pulling out something for a favor for my good friend Di *waves*. Anyways, today I updated the *gasp* yes the Furcadia section. I have been back since *looks back* holy crap! Since the beggining of October ^,^ And on the 7th of Oct, I met my love ^,^

Anyways I have finally finished relinking all the furres whose links were broken on the "furres" section. Not to mention, adding in the "NON MIDI" themes to the following...

Brinx, Catilina, Cooney, Cyrus, Dahye, Deisel, Flint, Jipped, Kenneth, Locke, Peck, Polyphemus, Roan, Rollins, Ryo-oohki, Sassapathia, Shanniah, Somon, Syrris, The Veiled Mage, Webman, and Xie.

Not to mention adding a nice little "battle-esk" furcadian type song (non midi) in the main furres section. I have also added new pages for Catilina, Jipped, and Peck.

That's it for updates tonight, oh and if you want your true soundin theme to be played on your character page I have up, I NEED YOUR THEME! I put up everyone's I have had the MP3 for. If you give me the name of the song, I'll look for it, and I'll put it on here. If I dont know who you are, and your not on the furres list, get to know Brinx. Good impression, or to make enemies with him, I don't care. If I forgot anyone please let me know, and I apoligize, and Ill draw you a pic to make up for it.

I send out all my love to that special someone in CA ^,~

I'm outta here!

Oh yeah, and Resnet CAN KISS MY ASS!!!

November 2nd 2001

Well, there it is folks, the final new section I promised, is now up. The infamous Tales from 1510! Want to see how fucked up I can be with my roomates and our friends? Take a look and indulge in the adventures. Though some material may not be for lil youngins. So if your too young to see blood, sex (though I doubt there is any), violence, and mass amounts of shit, don't go in. I warned you and if you become mentally ill I do not take responsibility for that or any other reactions you may have taken as a result of my site, though angry parents can feel free to sue Resnet for everything they have, though good luck, its like sueing a poor homeless man.

Before I go, I send out all my love to a special someone in sunny California, and look foward to speaking with her again, not to mention visiting her in December ^,~

October 24th 2001

Some small updates tonight, or today, whichever you look at it. Added a link in the links section ^.~ Not to mention a small little update on M.T.F.B. Cooney. Don't forget to speak out and take the poll, before I change it, it's going nicley with 5 votes. I'll let you all guess which comment was mine ^.~ Today also marks a very happy day! I have met an awsome someone, and now I am together with her ^,~ And finally, I am working on a pic as we speak which will be added to the Colour Furre Art Section under Art Work. And as Nate says, if your new to my site, please sign my guestbook ^,~ Want something in return? I'll draw you a pic, of whatever you want, well, almost whatever, we'll just have to negotiate if I dont want to draw it, and beleive me, I'll draw almost anything, as long as time forbids and its not massive in size, well, depending on who you are anyways. Well enough about that, and click on something!

Oh and my apologies go out to Resnet, is something I would not say, cause they still are a steaming, lumpy, creamy pile of dog shit. But you don't have to take my word for it, vote at the poll, and see what others think ^,~

October 23rd 2001

20 Days ago I had this news ready to be put up on the site...

"Well the net is back up, I am back from break, and I got a new Flash animation for all of you to see, not to mention a new section in which I will include all of my Flash animations. The Cooney Conversion Project is now complete, which now leads me to the Face Lift Project, and some few odds and ends, when I get to them, who knows. I've been meaning to get this update up on the 1st of October. Also take a look at the updated links section. And at some point today I will have an art gallery up, with some interestin stuff, not to mentions some other things in yet another new section I have yet to name ^,~ So keep checking back! And I will continue to try and give my whole site the face lift I have started, bit by bit, I may even get to update my Godawfull DBZ and Dr. Who sections. Untill then, laterz all!"

...after that, CRACK BOOM!!! there goes the net again! As slow as ever, when it returns! Then we get new service, well, a new package from the same crappy service. "Hey, well what do you know! It's faster, reliable, and more..." Before I can go on any further a series of shutdowns every 5 minutes. "Screw this, I'll watch Slayers." So Slayers I watch, then I reaqaint myself with one of the best games in the world "Doom". Then it's time to head back home and get myself a cell phone. I think to myself after visiting Nate, as he shows me his update to his site Nate's World "I think I'll get back to updating my site when I return to Philly."
Once I get back, I check AIM...



& the internet is gone again!

Just getting my service back again yesterday (with not to mention a slow ass pace once again), I have decided to, again, update. So Resnet, you can all go to hell, your service aint worth shit, and you guys don't know what the fuck you are doing.

As for my updates, it's pretty much what I explained 20 days ago, with the exception of the WWF AFM, keep an eye out for the top 30, we need 2-3 more of our staff to vote, and my completion of the win-loss record, and it will be up in the WWF AFM section, for all of the fans of that site, I'm sorry for my lack of updating, but I will try to add more as soon as I can, as well try to bring back the ever, oh so popular, Nathan's Thoughts.

Peace out...

September 15th 2001

Greetings all, not really an update, but just a little message. I send out all my sympathies to all those who have been hurt in this awfull tradgedy. I have been a little deylayed on doing what I can, I urge those out there who can, to donate some blood to the victems, as I will donate blood myself as soon as I can. Being in Philedalphia was a confusing and scary moment, as no one knew what had been going on. But, AMERICA LIVES ON! AND SO DOES COONEY!
Oh, I would also like to take a small moment to "DAMN" my internet company for being unproffesional, and blaming scams to cover up thier own financal trouble. But I guess that is what you get for living in a condemened building, bootleged DSL & Cable, leaving us students no option on another service.

Erm, anyways, for those of you who may be interested on when I update again...

*Looks around at an empty arena*

...well, when my internet service decides to turn back on again, (being that I managed to get online at a school computer) I promise you all, that I will have an update. I have finally decided to post up some of my artwork (besides the borders), and I will start to put them up, when my service returns, thank you, and keep stoppin by, laterz..

August 24th 2001

Well, the reason for my lack of updates would have to be due to the fact, that my internet service provider is a peice of crap. They have blamed the Code Red Worm virus for their troubles, claiming that Verizon has had the same problems, but with a phone call from my room mate we had found that Verizon had no such trouble. But anyways, the internet shut down on me for a week, and whence it returned it would flash on and off. Now I come back with a small update, its really just a nice little flash animation of mine, which you can see right here.

August 7th 2001

"The Cooney Conversion Project" is now in effect, and phase one has started. Furre Project, Sound of Furre Project are still in progress...

August 5th 2001

Nothing too much has been added, I have just become a member to imood.com and I have given this site a web rating. Now I don't really think this site is an "M" rating, moreso, a "14" probobly, but you never know, and besides I like the "m" icon much better than the "14" one ^-^. But eventually I will make my own little web rating icons, Mwa ha ha...

July 30th 2001

Ok, so an hour became almost 5. Sorry ~.~ Boy am I going to be dead for class tommorow morning. Anyways, the new links section has been added! Take a look, you'll like what you see in the pages I have linked to. More will come in time, I put up the ones I was able to remember at the moment, also, I hope you enjoy my new little Yoshi Master pic that I have added down below. Anyways, the night tis, mid-way? And I should retire for the evening, if my morning classes kill me, don't excpect an update for a day or two, cause I'll be catchin up on me sleep ^,^ Oh, & Somon? I can kick your Mario ass with my Yoshi foot anyday! BWA HA HA HA!!!

July 29th 2001

News will be up in about an hour

July 27th 2001

This month has been nuts, its been one thing after the next, I completly forgot to inform you all that I will be attending this years Anthrocon in Philedalphia. Though I can only make it on Saturday due to school and money issues, bull crap like that. Anyways keep an eye out for me if your there, and if your not there, then... Not really to many updates to the site, since I have been in a funk during my free days, but I plan to update my links section next, I dont think I need teo different link sections , but will see what I do in the future *shrugs* I will try to have some new art posted up as well, they might just pop up in the title borders or whatever, anyways, this really isnt an update, just an informative, so I will catch you all later. Untill then, *poof*

July 22nd 2001

Two months ago on this day, I decided to make my return to Furcadia after a much needed month long break from the whole net. Now today, is the day I will start with the requests. If you want to see Brinx on Furcadia, you will have to ask me to bring him on, I am no longer just going on when I want, cause nothing really happans anymore. Not to mention some crap that has recently happaned. Anyways, I am back two days early cause I thought today was going to be the 24th. I have plans for something new for the Furcadia page, but it is going to take a lot of work to get done. And when I get a break from my classes, I will continue the refacing of the site. Untill then, laterz all.

July 13th 2001

Well, I leave for home today. Going to Virginia this Monday! ^,^ anyways I wont be back till July 24th, so I wont be updating till then. Also Brinx will now only come onto Furcadia if someone requests him to be on (take a look in the Furcadia section). I will explain that later since I am rushing the news. I am finishing up on my Furcadia music CD! So far I have collected 42 songs! If I can I will try to ask Talz and Fel if they have a theme song for their alts so I can add it to the CD ^,^. Now don't get me wrong, I ain't actually selling copies of CD's, this is for my own personal use, though I will post up the title's of the songs I used, and if you want toy can make yourself a copy at your own risk. Anyways, I need songs from 2 diff people, *scratches his head thinking* make that one, unless that person actually wants me to throw her song on still. Also, I need to find MP3 versions of 3 other furre's songs. I am also re doing each furres character site, I am going to just include their name, desc, description of what they look like, a bio by their users if they provide it, and also if their user provides a picture of themself, so that way I can throw a picture together of the user and the sprite of their furre. If you are on the list in the furres section, and I can't get a hold of you, please e-mail me the info, I would really appreciate it ^-^. When I return I will have more of my art posted up and other crap. See you all on the 24th! Laterz!

July 12th 2001

There was an actual update on the 11th, but I didn't get to write up about it. Instead I ran over to Dave & Busters with my friends. If any of you don't know what that is, it's a huge arcade, with a freakin bar! So I walked back drunk, then hung around the front of my dorm playin hacky sack till about 3:00AM. Got back in, then had a bad night on Furcadia. Anyways, the furcadia furres section has been redone! Not the character pages, just the "main" furres page, linking to the others. Check it out. I also modified my guestbook. Took me forever to figure out that I could actually sign into the damn thing and modify it >.< And I found that out when I was spying on someone >8D. My plans for todays update include, making more of the names on the furres page linkable, redoing certain character pages, and giving a face lift to another section on the Furcadia page. And as before send comments, or whatever, to my AIM (SS Brinx), ICQ (30256234), e-mail (sscooney@hotmail.com or sscooney@yahoo.com), or in my lovly little guest book ^,^ -Peace out!

July 10th 2001

The whole site is going through a change for the better as you all have seen. The Furcadia section's homepage has now had it's facelift. Also, the Meet the Face Behind Cooney, section is now open! If you want to comment on my site, my email is sscooney@hotmail.com. And as I have said before, keep naggin me so I can stay motivated to keep the site growing, Guestbook entries, ICQ (30256234), AIM messages (SS Brinx), and of course emails are greatly appreciated ^,^. Explore and enjoy, and , again, if you are looking for something special in the Dragon Ball Z, or Doctor Who sections, forget about it, those old pages of mine plain suck, but fear not, I will have links soon too pages that do not suck! I will throw them within, and who knows, possibly give them a facelift in the process. If anyone here has been waiting for my Snake Blood section to be put up. I will try to have it up and started tonight! As I am typing this, I am far from done updating, so take a look around, untill then, later all...

July 9th 2001


Like the new look? Let me know what you guys think. My email is sscooney@hotmail.com, or just drop me a comment, insult, whatever you want, into the guestbook. I am going to give Furcadia a face lift as soon as I can. It could take a few days, or months if I forget about it. I slack too much. Anyways, explore and enjoy, and if you are looking for something special in the Dragon Ball Z, or Doctor Who sections, forget about it, those old pages of mine plain suck, but fear not, I will have links soon too pages that do not suck! I will throw them within, and who knows, possibly give them a facelift in the process. If anyone here has been waiting for my Snake Blood section to be put up. Well, I am getting to it, along with meet the face behind Cooney. So why have I been slacking so much you ask? One word, Furcadia. Once I jump on, I am not going off till I am tired. It's like a dose of crack, too damn addicting, and I forget about all the things I wanted to take care of during the day. That is why I am putting my friend Nate *waves* on hold till I finish the new look for the main page. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my blabber, and enjoy the site! I will try to add some new things as soon as I can, so bear with me, also, E-mails, Guestbook Entries and AIM & ICQ messages along with some constant nagging will encourage me to update ^,~

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